Below are the current weather conditions in Montreal coming from my Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station. Weather data are uploaded to the website every 10 min.
Today's Detailed Weather Report
Generated on 01/13/25 at 12:15
Temperature - Pressure - Humidity - Sun |
Current |
Min |
Max |
Temperature (10 m) |
-4.2 °C |
-5.4 °C
at 1:43
-3.9 °C
at 11:06
Temperature (1.5 m) |
-3.9 °C |
-5.0 °C
at 1:16
-3.3 °C
at 10:35
Feel like |
-6.3 °C |
-8.3 °C
at 9:18
-4.2 °C |
Dew point |
-5.9 °C |
-7.2 °C |
-5.6 °C |
Pressure |
1009.3 mb |
1009.2 mb
at 12:13
1015.2 mb
at 0:46
Humidity (10 m) |
88 % |
80 %
at 0:00
91 %
at 5:04
Humidity (1.5 m) |
87 % |
80 %
at 0:00
90 %
at 6:19
Solar Radiation |
84 W/m2 |
0 W/m2 |
93 W/m2
at 10:13
Rainfall |
Total (since midnight) |
1.6 mm |
Current |
Max |
Rain Rate |
0.0 mm/h |
3.2 mm/h
at 8:40
Wind Speed and Direction |
Current wind speed |
1.6 km/h |
Current wind direction |
44 ° - NE |
Gust |
Average (10 min) |
Wind gust |
14.5 km/h
at 8:03
4.8 km/h |